How Data Analytics Ensure Good Outcomes in Mass Torts

Data analytics and data mining can heavily influence the outcome of mass tort cases. Various techniques have proven to be useful every step of the way, from pre-litigation all the way to the settlement negotiation. Below, we will share some of the ways that data analytics can help provide a better outcome from a mass tort case.

Find More Potential Claimants

Using data analytics is a simple way for mass tort attorneys to find additional claimants for a case. Data such as age, location, and gender can provide a better idea of where to focus outreach, in turn making it simpler and faster to find eligible, injured parties.

Discover the Best Method of Outreach

Data analysis can also help attorneys uncover the best form of communication to use for outreach, be it through mail, online, or with television ads. This discovery is done by uncovering the communication and media habits of the targeted population. When this process is completed, and the data is used to select the most appropriate outreach option, attorneys will be more likely to end up with a greater number of eligible claimants, which can lead to a better outcome in the mass tort case.

Differentiate Claimants in Specific Categories

Outreach programs for mass tort cases may bring in a large number of people, with only a handful of qualified claimants. Data analytics can make it easy to distinguish those that meet the specific criteria of a case. This may be done by looking at prescription data of the respondents or at demographic data.

This element of data analytics can be extremely important for mass tort cases, since it helps the mass tort firm ensure they are selecting claimants that are completely eligible. It both builds a stronger case, and guards against the possibility of bringing attention to the wrong parties.

Finding Additional Claims

Mass tort attorneys can call on professional data mining services in order to find new potential claims. Data mining will search the medical records of clients that were obtained from previous outreach efforts, and will flag any drugs or incidents that could be connected to harmful events. Suddenly, those respondents who were not qualified for the initial claim may suddenly be relevant to a new case.

These data mining efforts allow attorneys to make the most of their outreach programs, as they find more claim potential within an extant group.

Streamline the Process

There are a number of ways that data analytics can help make big improvements in the overall performance of a mass tort firm. For one thing, data from previous cases can be studied to improve workflow for current litigations. An example of this would be if an attorney were to use previous data to screen for claimants who are qualified for a new litigation. Finding qualified claimants this way could also save a firm money on medical records.

Another example is if a firm were to use data analytics to improve time management. Metrics can show whether or not employees are making the most of their time, and can help firms make improvements for more effectiveness and better outcomes on mass torts.

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